
If we are to have autonomy over our own stories, amplifying our voice for a just and fair society, there needs to be a shift in approaches to creating narrative within both secular and faith communities towards Inclusive Storytelling. It is only in doing this that we start to change society’s narrative towards reflecting ordinary lives being lived that have meaning and are valued.

Jazz Shaban, Founding Director of Small Voice Projects

Having written her own unique story in her debut novel ‘Road to Damascus’, Jazz Shaban went on to set up Small Voice Projects. Being a Disabled person of faith straddling two cultures, each with their own inclusion challenges, she knew that the only way to break down the wall of silence that existed was to tell her own unique story and encourage others to tell theirs.

It starts with…

Storytelling is about sharing – not just the sharing of words and plot, but the sharing of emotions and experiences. Short stories, funny stories, stories that shouldn’t be heard but are told anyway. They provide a witness to experiences, journeys, encounters and ideas and often they come from a single image.

Storytelling involves the Storyteller and the story receiver with no barrier of text: Just a subtle interaction which is unique to communication regardless of the medium used to tell the story.

If you are looking for inspiration check out SVPs storytelling pages: Our Stories, Your Stories and Kingdom Storytellers… and if you are still not convinced go to our Co-productions to discover some of the stories we have helped to tell.

Everyone has the potential to be a Storyteller, and everyone has a story to tell. So give it go!