The stories here has been upload by disabled storytellers either as independent storytellers or through one of SVP’s storytelling programmes. They are all created differently, but have one thing in common. They are completely authentic.
We encourage community and connectivity so If you see a story that interests you contact the Storyteller directly through their YouTube channel or Contact Us
Looking forward to seeing your story here soon!
PhotoStories: Kereena’s picture
A personal testimony told in just 90 seconds recorded live during an online storytelling workshop.

PhotoStories: Debbie’s picture
A personal testimony told in just 90 seconds recorded live during an online storytelling workshop.

Your Stories: What’s Your Wheelbarrow Moment?
Katie Budd from Through The Roof shares her story of inclusion while at university

Kingdom Storytellers: In the Beginning
Jazz Shaban talks about how a prophecy many years ago led her to start Small Voice Projects

PhotoStories: Louise’s picture
A personal testimony told in just 90 seconds recorded live during an online storytelling workshop.

PhotoStories: Lynda’s picture
A personal testimony told in just 90 seconds recorded live during an online storytelling workshop.

PhotoStories: Marisa’s picture
A personal testimony told in just 90 seconds recorded live during an online storytelling workshop.

Kingdom Storytellers: Chris’s Story
A short testimony by Chris Klein on how a communication device changed his life

Your Stories: Invisible Fitna – a short story about veiling
A personal journey on the significance of veiling for disabled women by Jazz Shaban

Your Stories: Say it to my face! Not online
A film by Joshua Reeves on hate crime towards disabled people

Your Stories: Its that girl with CP
A video poem by Natalie South-Law on her experience of mainstream school

Your Stories: Let me feel HUMAN
A film by Joshua Reeves on why society needs to stop patronising disabled people

Your Stories: Dog Dayz (or Tarka’s big day out)
This short video by Jazz Shaban follows the daily adventures of an Assistance Dog