Small Voice Projects is a user-led, global platform that collects stories and builds the capacity of those who want to be heard to tell their stories. Conceived as a resource supporting a social justice network, we aim to amplify the authentic voice of disabled people and thereby change perceptions on the reality of disability and a life being lived.
It is only by being visible and connected that we can break the cycle of isolation and build a movement of disabled people that influences for a fairer, just and more equal society.
“We are not just creating stories. We are re-writing stories told about us”

Participant in data-driven advocacy workshop, Bangladesh
Values that underpin our stories are:
Inspire Action
Foster Community
Influence Change
Scroll to the bottom of the page to receive updates and more information about our activities.
What’s your story?

What’s Your Story is a digital, disability user-led platform that enables non-professional and professional, writers, journalists and photographers and videographers – to take back control of what is written and said about disabled people and their experience.
Influence change in mainstream society and culture on how disabled people are perceived by sharing your stories, images and videos.
It is only by connecting with others with similar stories and experiences that together we change perceptions, and change society.
Dare to do it differently
“There is no excuse for parachuting storytellers into the lives of other people with no real knowledge of the wider context, simply because it’s their job.”
Participant from a Bond Disability and Development Group Workshop: Talking Disability, 2021
Find out why authentic storytelling is vital for changing perceptions of disability.
An inclusive approach to storytelling is possible!

Village outside Chipata, Eastern Province of Zambia
Our Stories
These stories are where Small Voice Projects started. Short stories, funny stories, stories that shouldn’t be heard, but are told anyway and often inspired by a single image.

Cell in Toul Sleng Detention Centre, Cambodia
Work with Us

Village health clinic, Kassala, Eastern Sudan
Small Voice Projects is a not-for-profit resource with a vision to facilitate, connect and strengthen the voice of the unheard and unseen… but differently.
Our approach is co-production. Our partnerships and programmes are with disabled people in the lead and are chosen for the potential they have to effect social change and community impact and learning.